Friday, April 10, 2009

bit of a break

Momma's back is really sore (she is a bit disabled by it) so we mite not bee writin too much for a bit.

Daisy, thank yoo so much for showing off the Super princess cape we makedyoo!! Yoo look just as super as we thought yoo would! Harley yoo looked very dashing too! :)

MTW :)


  1. Oh noes! We are sorry to hear your momma's back his hurty! We sure hope she feels better very soon! We are sending her some healing vibes!

  2. I been wondering where you were! I'm glad you got to see us modeling our wonderful Wondercape. You are so thoughtful!

    I hope your mom feels better soon!

  3. Hope your momma get well soon! Purrrrrs!
