Sunday, April 26, 2009


Dis nest is under oor verandah. this ams the first clutch (dat meens a buncha eggs) this spring. Berdies come here every year and nest, and Momma has always taken pichurs. Berdies can't smell, so they cant smell Momma has been neer the eggbabies. She is very careful that she dusnt make the Momma and Daddy berdies mad at her. Over the next few days, she will post sum moor pichures of dees eggs. I cant wait to see the babies!!


  1. Turquoise, blue, aqua eggs? That is so pretty! How does momma bird look like?

  2. pretty eggies! we had a similar nest/eggs last year.

    beautiful blue.

  3. Oh, when will we get to see baby birdies? We love birdies!

    Your friend

  4. I hope those eggs have hatched. We had a robin nest on the back light (it's on my blog) but unfortunately in that windy storm the other day it blew off :(
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. We have 2 hatched now Linda!! Woot!
