Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meet our big Dumbdog, Gloria!

This is Gloria. Her nickname is "mouse" She's like a gazillion pound mouse, with verrrry big teeth!! She is going to be 5 years old on May 3. She protects Momma and the human kittens. Her mother was a purebred Rottweiler, and her father a Sneaky Other Dog. We think German Sheppard.

She was fostered at 3 weeks by Momma and Dad, and they adopted her as soon as she was old enough. This is a puppy picture of her, and she was very ill. 4 of her litter died while in the Humane Society, Momma was going to foster and hand-raise all of the females, but sadly they all died but Our Glory. She was very very sick and full of worms when this picture was taken, and her mother had pushed her away from the other remaining puppies. It was very sad.

This is a not scary picture of Gloria, and it's one of my Momma's very favorites

This is a SCARY picture of Gloria, and Momma made it into an LOLCats/IhasAHotDog pic!! She's FAMOUS!!!

This last picture of Gloria is of her outside in her snow boots. don't tell her i posted this, or else she will beat me up!!! She hates having to wear her boots!!!

And that, my friends, is one of our dumbdogs. I shall introduce you to Sadie Mae next, she's a piece of work. SERIOUSLY.


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